Life's "Craziest" Beliefs

Alcoholism is still the scourge of this country.

Earlier identification of the problem and better treatment programs have improved things,
but the number of lives damaged and all of other costs involved remain immense.

Much of what will be said here applies to other types of chemical addiction as well.


Alcoholism is a family disease.

In its typical form, alcoholism requires a family
which is as united in its denial as it is in its chaos.


Most spouses of alcoholics care too much if their partner is “really” alcoholic or not.
This question is best left to the experts, and even they can’t always be sure.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if your partner is an alcoholic.
What matters is how you and the rest of your family are treated.


If you are being badly treated by someone, focus on that behavior and tell them it must stop.
Don’t be too concerned about whether they are alcoholic, whether they need treatment, etc.

If you’ve been taking this mistreatment for some time
be concerned about your problem of tolerating the mistreatment
and get the counseling you need to overcome your problem.


If you are dealing with a “true alcoholic personality”
you will notice that they often apologize after they have mistreated you,
usually the next morning.

Never accept these apologies.

Tell them directly that you will not accept their apologies
no matter how sincerely or pitifully they are offered to you.

Tell them that the only thing that matters is that the mistreatment itself must stop.


Unfortunately, alcoholics often have two sides to their personalities.
They can be very abusive and they can be very caring.
If you want the caring too much, you will get the abuse too.

Note:  Some people who consider themselves alcoholic are not directly abusive to others – but people who have the typical “alcoholic personality” definitely are.  You can be an “alcoholic” by one definition and not by another… AA tends to define alcoholics by their alcohol usage. Therapists, of course, tend to think in terms of typical personality traits.


Since alcoholics almost universally deny that they have a problem,
a treatment strategy called “interventions” is often necessary.

A professional alcohol counselor calls a surprise meeting
which the alcoholic, their family, their closest friends, and sometimes even coworkers attend.

This group then “confronts” the alcoholic with their behavior.

If you know someone who you believe has a serious alcohol problem,
call a treatment program to discuss an intervention.

They don’t always work, but they are your best and often your only hope
besides simply getting away from the person.


If you are an alcoholic in denial, this is what I want to ask you:
Is this the way you want to treat the the people you love?
Is this a true reflection of who you are?
If not, you definitely need professional help,
whether it is about drinking or not.

Think also about your priorities:
Is your life organized around your drinking?
If so, you need alcohol treatment.

You owe it to yourself to rediscover who you are without drinking.
You can’t do it on your own. You have tried.

Don’t be concerned about whether it is a disease or not right now.
If it’s a disease, it’s a curable one.
If it’s not a disease, it’s a bunch of changeable behaviors.

Be concerned about what is happening to your life and to the lives of those you love.
Be concerned about what has become of you.
Remember who you once were,
and who you have always wanted to be.


You may feel insulted when you hear that you have a problem too.
But if you keep taking the alcoholic’s abuse,
there can be no doubt about it.

You probably either feel you deserve the abuse (a guilt problem)
or you need someone to vent your anger on (an anger problem)
or both (most common).

You can’t reasonably ask your partner to get help if you don’t.


People who think they might be in an alcoholic family usually are.

If you’ve read this far with interest,
you probably need to talk to someone about how alcohol is hurting you.

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